January: The Fool

Sacred Rose Tarot. Art by Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman
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In my efforts to focus on writing short stories based on the Major Arcana cards of the Tarot, I’ve decided that I should also write monthly blogs about them. January is a great time for resolutions, new beginnings, new commitments, so the obvious choice for this month is The Fool.

The Fool’s number is 0, the number of unlimited potential. In fact, the cards in the Major Arcana are also described as The Fool’s journey. In this card, he is shown at the beginning of his journey The sun is rising behind him as he readies to step out into the cosmos, and set out on this exciting new adventure. He has a sack filled with everything he’ll need and his companion, a little white dog, is here to help and hinder him on his journey. In his right hand he holds a white rose, symbolic of the purity and innocence of new beginnings.

This is a card of new beginnings and potential. It represents the beginning of creativity and setting out on an exciting new adventure. It is all about taking that “leap of faith,” and trust that the Universe will bring you what you need. This is the perfect time to follow your intuition, no matter how crazy it may seem to step off that cliff into the cosmos.

Whew! That’s a whole lot of inspiration, and what a perfect time! Now’s the time when we’ve reflected on the last year – things that worked, or didn’t – and we’ve resolved to be better, live better, and love better. What a perfect time to trust that the Universe will bring us what we need, and believe in ourselves.

I’ve resolved to believe in myself and my writing, my desire for health (which doesn’t necessarily rely on what the scale says), and my desire to rid myself of toxic relationships. I’m going to get rid of things that no longer serve me, so the Universe can provide me with the things that will. (Note: this is also the lesson of the Death card, but more on that later)

And let me tell you it feels like I’m stepping off a cliff into the unknown.

To fully believe in myself and my writing it means I will actually need to write stories and people will actually have to read them. Whether they like them or not? Well, that’s not a choice I get to make. They will, or they won’t. My job is simply to write it and put it out there and, candidly, I’m not sure if I’m more afraid of failing or of success.

I mean, erotic Tarot stories? Erotica, well, that’s risky on its own. I mean, everyone likes/has/wants sex, but writing erotica means that everyone will automatically assume that I want or have done what I write about. And then… then I’m going to write about the Tarot? Witchery and devil worshipping, right? Nope. Tarot is simply a tool. Originally developed in the 15th century as a game, it’s morphed into a tool of divination by some. Believe in it? Don’t believe in it? doesn’t matter. For me it provides very specific energies which I use as themes in my stories – 22 to be exact. And that’s just the Major Arcana…

So, my readers, what new path is calling to you? What leap of faith are you being asked to take? What do you need to believe in yourself and take that first step into the cosmos?

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at write2unpack@gmail.com. Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!


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