Recharge Yourself

Recharge 1Summer is here. My kids are out of school and home during the day, the Best Husband Ever is retired and home during the day, but my work doesn’t stop with the change in seasons and has been steadily ramping up.  The level of “crazy” in the world has been increasing, and with my husband’s ability to walk decreasing (the heat drastically affects his MS symptoms), that means there’s more around the house that needs my attention.  This summer I’ve decided to streamline my life a bit so I’m more present at home to “take care of things” and recharge myself. And so today’s blog post came to me: Why do we need to recharge? How do we recharge? Let’s talk about it.

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Why do we need to recharge? Why can’t we just keep going and do everything that needs doing?  Well, quite simply, because we can’t. Human beings are not wired with an endless power source that allows us to keep going like the Energizer bunny. The constant stressors of our daily lives, our jobs, our loved ones, our homes, even the “obligation” to do something we love, all take a toll on our health.  The effects of stress on a body are well documented and if we take some time to recharge ourselves we can stave off heart attacks, memory loss, and even depression.  We constantly give of ourselves and, sometimes, we need to recharge ourselves so that we can continue to give.

How do we recharge? Well, I suppose that’s different for everyone. There are tons of ways suggested on the internet ranging from aromatherapy to stretching. Some people (like me) need to be in nature, to sit and breathe and sort through the feelings of failure and insecurity, and figure out my next steps – my path forward.  Some people recharge by exercising, by training for a certain goal such as running a Marathon or completing an Ironman. It doesn’t matter what you do – do whatever works for you – what matters is that you do it.Recharge 9

So how do you do it? How do you find the time? Here are some ways that have worked for me:

1.   Remind yourself you’re worth it. Let me tell you a secret… shhhhh… <You are worth it.> Let go of the guilt of not getting enough done, and embrace knowing that you’ll come back better and able to give more if you just remind yourself you’re worthy of the love you give to everyone else.

2.  Plan your recharge. Plan every day to take 10 minutes (everyone has 10 minutes) to sit quietly and meditate.  Allow the busy thoughts in your head to pass through, they’re not allowed to stay, and listen for the stillness. Plan to be “unplugged” for an entire day, plan a weekend away, a camping trip, or whatever works for you. Just make plans to do it and then keep them.
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3.  Streamline. Take something that you do many times and see if you can combine it into one or at least fewer times. Need a for example? Instead of shopping many times per week for groceries plan your meals and shop once for the week.

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I am a social person but I need alone time. I spend time alone each week writing to you. I get to talk about whatever’s on my mind, to verbally vomit onto the page (or computer) and sort through the words until they make sense, and I post it to you.  It’s my hope that what I end up with resonates with you, that it inspires you to be more loving, but it helps me to recharge myself a bit – to quiet the noises and the chaos.

By recharging ourselves we can make our lives better, and by simple proximity make the lives of those around us better, which creates more good in the world.  So the next time you hear that voice that says you’re not being productive, that there’s so much to do and it’s not getting done, remind yourself that you’re actually doing everyone a favor and making the world a better place.

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My words are my thoughts, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) or Twitter (@write2unpack). Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

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