There’s Something Funny About Laughter

Recently I was talking with my husband in the hot tub (a favorite place to have conversations), about what I should write this week. I was thinking about something unintentionally sexy… or what makes a good apology… or truckers… something like that, but his suggestion was something sexy – unintentional or not.  I thought, “Sure, last week was about chicken soup, so why not something sexy to keep my readers interested?”  And so, with “something sexy” on my mind I started writing this week’s post… at least, that what I started out writing. There were a number of things that were post-worthy, but out of all the things I found to be unintentionally sexy, “laughter” was that little sparkly bit that caught my eye. And so, like Alice down the Rabbit Hole, today’s post took a turn (sorry, dear) and I decided to share laughter with you.


Did you know that laughter is actually contagious? Fact. There have been studies where scientists scan people’s brains when they hear laughter or see someone smiling. The scans show the part of our brain that prepares our facial muscles essentially “lights up” in response to the positive emotion.  That’s why when you see someone smiling you’ll automatically smile back at them.  (I bet you’re smiling now just reading about smiles, aren’t you?) and when you see two people laughing between themselves you’ll probably chuckle a little to yourself even though you don’t know why they’re laughing.

The benefits of laughter are felt emotionally, physically, and mentally. Emotionally: Laughter eases anxiety and shifts perspective. In a difficult situation laughter can create a bit of psychological distance, so we can view the situation in a less threatening way.

Physically: Laughter relaxes the whole body, boosts your immune system, and releases endorphins.  And hey, who couldn’t use a little more endorphins?

Mentally:  Laughter clears your mind and dissolves troubling emotions.  It allows you to connect with another person and can help diffuse conflict.

There are, of course, a number of different laughs and types of laughter, but since this is my post I wanted to share a couple of my favorite laughs:
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Laugh 6The uninhibited laugh. This one, besides being one of my favorites, was also on my list of “sexy things.” You know the laugh. That one where he just throws his head back, regardless of what anyone thinks, and just laughs with his whole body.  Maybe it’s the inhibition that makes this laugh so great, but a guy who can just let go and enjoy something funny is definitely sexy.

The playful laugh. Laughter and playfulness seem to go hand in hand. Laughter strengthens our relationships – both our social relationships and the more intimate relationship with our lover. Laughter creates a positive bond and allows us to drop our defenses and releases our inhibitions.  A man (or woman) who can make me laugh is instantly more attractive and endearing.Laugh 9

The belly laugh of a child. This is my absolute favorite laugh, and by far, the most powerful.  I don’t know anyone who can resist laughing when they hear a baby laughing from their belly.  When my youngest son was about 2½ we got him a Tickle Me Elmo for Christmas.  You’ve seen the toy: bright red Elmo laughs and falls to the floor laughing and kicking his feet.  Ahren used to laugh along with him so hard he would get all of us laughing.  I love this sound so much I actually recorded his laughter and made it a ringtone on my phone. It makes me smile and chuckle to myself every time I hear it.

As we grow there is a very real danger that we’ll forget how to play and how to laugh without hesitation.  So while laughter is definitely sexy, and a man with a sense of humor is definitely attractive, my main thought for today was to encourage you to get out there and laugh more.  Don’t take yourself so seriously, be playful with each other, laugh with each other, and take a lesson from babies out there everywhere and laugh from the belly.

Laugh 3

I love input, so please feel free to leave me a comment below or find me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) and connect with me there. Oh, and sign up to follow me. It’s easy and you won’t miss a post!

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